Wednesday, May 6, 2015

President Obama's Proposal

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As I mentioned in my About Me page, the topic of free education for college students is something I feel very strong about and I want everyone to be more informed on the subject and I want to show people how beneficial free education would be to America. In this post I will talk about Obama's proposed free education plan. His plan focuses on free community college, but I think once this is free, it will be much easier to drop tuition rates for four-year colleges and eventually make those free as well.
Here's President Obama's speech.
"College should be as free and as abundant as High School." -President Obama

[Here's the link to watch this video on youtube]

“Some are young and starting out. Some are older and looking for a better job. Some are veterans and single parents trying to transition back into the job market. Whoever you are, this plan is your chance to graduate ready for the new economy, without a load of debt.”     -President Obama

If you don't have 2 minutes and 29 seconds here's a quick recap on what President Obama mentioned:
-by the end of this decade two-thirds of jobs will require a higher level of education
-bright students are being priced out
-40% of college students choose Community College 
-it's not just for students right out of high school, this is also for people going back to school who have full time jobs and/or kids
-this is the chance for people to graduate without a lot of debt
-free education will NOT be given to just anyone, it must be earned by keeping grades up and graduating on time
-this proposal will also reduce monthly payments of students who have already graduated and already have an immense amount of student debt.
-Vice President Biden has already helped the job-training system by pairing community colleges with local businesses to gear students towards jobs after graduation.

Wow. That's a lot of information, but look at that first bullet point:  By the end of this decade two-thirds of jobs will require a higher level of education. Here's a pie graph of what education requirements will look like by 2020
Here's the blog where the White House breaks down this information
As you can see 65% of jobs will need some sort of college education. With such a high number of jobs requiring some sort of college education, why are we pricing out students? You need a job to afford things, right? But in order to get a job you need a college education. In order to get a college education you need to have money to pay for it. So, without money, you cannot buy anything, including a college education. This leads to a lack of qualified job applicants and a higher unemployment rate which then leads to a lower demand of supplies, which leads to less jobs, and this brings us back to less money. This becomes our never ending cycle of negative impacts on our economy. If this proposal passes, this would be the first step to positively change this cycle.

This proposal also explains who exactly this bill will affect.
Here's the breakdown:

As you can see, 9 million students will be eligible for free community college. This bill states that the federal government would cover 75% of the average cost of tuition to students in school more than half the time, who maintain a GPA of at least 2.5 and are progressing towards graduation and/or a four-year degree are eligible for free community college. (click here for the full post)

This bill reaches across the isle with both republicans and democrats in favor of this bill (including extremists). Of course this also means that there are people on both sides (other extremists) that are not in favor of this bill. One of these groups The Conservative Treehouse is against the bill and make a valid point:
 This is an incorrect idea that has no factual backing. The White House says that the raised taxes on capital gains will only affect the wealthiest 1% of Americans (click here for more information on how the bill will be funded) and if you are in that 1% you really shouldn't be upset at what you're paying in taxes (just my opinion).

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